
Baseline Concussion Testing with HeadCheck


What is baseline testing?

Baseline testing allows for teams to gather individualized scores on each athlete to compare their post-injury results.

Why is it important?

Each athlete’s baseline test results provide a benchmark for medical professionals when assessing their post-injury results. This information provides critical insight for medical professionals when assessing, diagnosing, and recommending the proper recovery for an injury.

How does it work?

Prior to the season beginning, each athlete will complete 6 tests to gather information on their current state prior to sustaining any injuries. Baseline tests will be administered by either your team medical personnel or contracted HeadCheck representative.

Common Tests:

    • Cervical Spine Exam
    • Symptom Evaluation
    • Cognitive Screening
    • Neurological Exam
    • Balance Test
    • Delayed Recall

How long does it take?

We expect baseline testing to take around 10-12 minutes per player. If you don’t have enough time for your medical personnel to conduct these, we can send out a contracted HeadCheck representative to perform all baseline testing for you!

Interested in baseline concussion testing? Contact us and let’s discuss.

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