
HeadCheck at the Canadian Athletic Therapist Association (CATA) Conference


We’ve arrived in Ontario, leaving some beautiful sunshine behind us in Vancouver with the hopes of catching a glimpse of one or two sporting events (Go Spitfires!) and of course, taking a peek at one of Canada’s wonders Niagara Falls! That’s not all we’re here to see though.

We’re also here to attend the 2017 Canadian Athletic Therapist Association Conference, a three-day event which attracts some of Canada’s top Athletic Therapist talents from Universities, Colleges, High Schools, and Sports Organizations from across Canada. This year’s conference looks exceptional. There will be 16 speakers, including Mike Robinson who is presenting on the Best Tools and Practices for Concussion Management, and Laura Leslie, who we’re most excited to hear lecture about vestibular assessments for concussed athletes.

There are poster presentations from across North America and Ireland which cover topics like head impacts in elite soccer, the incidence and long-term effects of concussion, and sport and recreational injury incidence in female Irish primary school children. Finally, this conference is rife with social activities providing prime opportunities to network and interact with other attendees.

Meeting with and teaming up with Athletic Therapists nationwide to help organizations go beyond the Gold Standard of Concussion testing and management is our primary focus at the CATA Conference. We are incredibly happy to be a silver sponsor for CATA and to exhibit for our second time at this event. Working with Athletic Therapists that have an unrelenting dedication to the athletes in their care is such a privilege. We’re committed to making the lives of these individuals easier where implementation of best practices in concussion protocol is concerned. Can’t wait to connect with as many people as we can over these three days!

If you are interested in HeadCheck and what we do, we’d love to have a meeting with you while we’re in town. Simply click here and schedule a time to meet.

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